Kris Kent

Kris Kent

Kris Kent is an Assistant Travel Coordinator at KK Travels Worldwide. Born and raised in New Jersey, Kris has been passionate about travel since childhood, when her family used to drive across the country each summer (yes, she has visited all 50 states!). After graduating with an International Business degree at Lehigh University, Kris began her career in International Finance, working in both New York City and Charlotte, before moving to San Francisco, where she worked at an auction house. Kris then decided to further her education in interior design and ultimately started her own design firm in Philadelphia. Her passion for design and continued love of travel led Kris and her family to travel extensively throughout Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East. She has particularly enjoyed showing her son that while the world’s many cultures may be different, we are all the same at our core. When it comes to planning travel for her clients, through her meticulous and collaborative approach, Kris is able to achieve the very same thing through unique and meaningful experiences.